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Showing 1-20 of 1,541 results
  1. Textbook

    Partielle Differentialgleichungen Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung

    Das Buch führt in die Theorie der Partiellen Differentialgleichungen ein, lediglich die Grundvorlesungen der Analysis werden vorausgesetzt. Eine...
    Ben Schweizer in Masterclass
  2. Textbook

    Partial Differential Equations I Basic Theory

    The first of three volumes on partial differential equations, this one introduces basic examples arising in continuum mechanics, electromagnetism,...
    Michael E. Taylor in Applied Mathematical Sciences
  3. Textbook

    Partial Differential Equations III Nonlinear Equations

    The third of three volumes on partial differential equations, this is devoted to nonlinear PDE. It treats a number of equations of classical...
    Michael E. Taylor in Applied Mathematical Sciences
  4. Textbook

    Partial Differential Equations II Qualitative Studies of Linear Equations

    This second in the series of three volumes builds upon the basic theory of linear PDE given in volume 1, and pursues more advanced topics. Analytical...
    Michael E. Taylor in Applied Mathematical Sciences
  5. Book
    Full access

    Spectral Geometry of Graphs

    This open access book gives a systematic introduction into the spectral theory of differential operators on metric graphs. Main focus is on the...
  6. Textbook

    A Compact Course on Linear PDEs

    This textbook is devoted to second order linear partial differential equations. The focus is on variational formulations in Hilbert spaces. It...

    Alberto Valli in UNITEXT
  7. Textbook

    Introduction to Scientific Computing and Data Analysis

    This textbook provides an introduction to numerical computing and its applications in science and engineering. The topics covered include those...
  8. Book

    Deep Learning and Medical Applications

    Over the past 40 years, diagnostic medical imaging has undergone remarkable advancements in CT, MRI, and ultrasound technology. Today, the field is...
    Jin Keun Seo in Mathematics in Industry
  9. Reference work

    Handbook of Mathematical Models and Algorithms in Computer Vision and Imaging Mathematical Imaging and Vision

    This handbook gathers together the state of the art on mathematical models and algorithms for imaging and vision. Its emphasis lies on rigorous...

    Ke Chen, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, ... Laurent Younes
  10. Textbook

    Algorithms with JULIA Optimization, Machine Learning, and Differential Equations Using the JULIA Language

    This book provides an introduction to modern topics in scientific computing and machine learning, using JULIA to illustrate the efficient...

    Clemens Heitzinger
  11. Textbook

    Calculus and Linear Algebra in Recipes Terms, phrases and numerous examples in short learning units

    This book provides a clear and easy-to-understand introduction to higher mathematics with numerous examples. The author shows how to solve typical...

    Christian Karpfinger
  12. Book

    Analysis at Large Dedicated to the Life and Work of Jean Bourgain

    Analysis at Largeis dedicated to Jean Bourgain whose research has deeply influenced the mathematics discipline, particularly in analysis and its...
    Artur Avila, Michael Th. Rassias, Yakov Sinai
  13. Book

    Dissipative Optical Solitons

    This book introduces the basic concept of a dissipative soliton, before going to explore recent theoretical and experimental results for various...

    Mário F. S. Ferreira in Springer Series in Optical Sciences
  14. Book

    Analytic Theory of Itô-Stochastic Differential Equations with Non-smooth Coefficients

    This book provides analytic tools to describe local and global behavior of solutions to Itô-stochastic differential equations with non-degenerate...
    Haesung Lee, Wilhelm Stannat, Gerald Trutnau in SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics
  15. Book

    Panorama der Mathematik

    „Was ist Mathematik?” – auf diese Frage gibt dieses dicke Buch zahllose Antworten. Mathematik ist eben viel mehr als ein Schul- und Studienfach oder...

    Andreas Loos, Rainer Sinn, Günter M. Ziegler
  16. Book

    Mathematical Analysis in Interdisciplinary Research

    This contributed volume provides an extensive account of research and expository papers in a broad domain of mathematical analysis and its various...

    Ioannis N. Parasidis, Efthimios Providas, Themistocles M. Rassias in Springer Optimization and Its Applications
  17. Book

    Differential Equations on Manifolds and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the Memory of Boris Sternin

    This is a volume originating from the Conference on Partial Differential Equations and Applications, which was held in Moscow in November 2018 in...
    Vladimir M. Manuilov, Alexander S. Mishchenko, ... Weiping Zhang in Trends in Mathematics
  18. Textbook

    Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations Analysis, Approximation, and Applications

    This is a book on optimal control problems (OCPs) for partial differential equations (PDEs) that evolved from a series of courses taught by the...

    Andrea Manzoni, Alfio Quarteroni, Sandro Salsa in Applied Mathematical Sciences
  19. Book

    Advances in Non-Archimedean Analysis and Applications The p-adic Methodology in STEAM-H

    This book provides a broad, interdisciplinary overview of non-Archimedean analysis and its applications. Featuring new techniques developed by...
  20. Book

    Maxwell’s Equations in Periodic Structures

    This book addresses recent developments in mathematical analysis and computational methods for solving direct and inverse problems for Maxwell’s...
    Gang Bao, Peijun Li in Applied Mathematical Sciences
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